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'Formosana': a new 'Cavendish' variety with super high yield and Fusarium wilt resistance selected by somaclonal variation
- Authors : Hwang, S.C.
- Document type : Book
- Year of publication : 2002
- Publisher(s) : TBRI
- Place of publication : Pingtung (TWN)
- Pages : 6
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : For decades, banana production in Taiwan has been greatly challenged by the intractable Fusarium wilt problem, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4. For the control, the susceptible variety 'Giant Cavendish' must be replaced by the resistant variety. For obtaining a resistant Cavendish whose breeding has been seriously handicapped by the female seed sterility, an appropriate method for breeding must be developed. Because in vitro propagation of banana has shown the potential for producing substantial genetic variability, known as 'somaclonal variation', an innovative breeding approach based on somaclonal variation was, therefore, taken by the TBRI in 1984. Much interest, support, and effort have been devoted to this breeding program over the past 16 years leading to the continued discovery of many useful resistant clones. Among them, the new variety 'Formosana' is the best, in terms of Fusarium wilt resistance and horticultural performance. To my best knowledge, this is the most productive Cavendish not seen elsewhere and is considered a breakthrough in banana breeding. Commercialization of 'Formosana', scheduled in 2002, would have great impact on Taiwan banana industry.
- Keywords :
- Open access : No
- Musalit document ID : IN030198
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