About Musalit

The MusaLit banana publication database, managed by the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, is no longer updated with new publications. However the database will be maintained for accessing documents published as early as 1865 up until July 2022. Thank you for your support and please contact the MusaNet secretariat for any further information.

Musalit is a bibliographic database of references on bananas. It currently contains 19,518 references.

A PDF is freely available for 54% of the references, either directly from the record or through a link on the publisher’s website.

Most of the documents referenced in Musalit are:
- Journal articles (68%);
- Conference papers (16%);
- Books and book chapters (11%);
- Theses (2%).

Most of the documents are in:
- English (74%);
- Spanish (14%);
- French (9%).

To look for references go to the Search page. The Help page offers tips on how to search for references and to save the results.

We also continue our efforts to ensure that all the open access and restricted publications that have become accessible from the Internet after their inclusion in the database are linked from their Musalit record.

If you find any errors in a bibliographic record, would like to add a reference or have information about a missing link, please contact us.

Looking for references on the banana does not have to be painful