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The 2016 Global Strategy for the conservation and use of Musa genetic resources - key strategic elements
- Authors : De Langhe, E.A.L.; Laliberté, B.; Chase, R.; Domaingue, R.; Horry, J.P.; Karamura, D.A.; Rouard, M.; Ruas, M.; Sardos, J.; Thomas, J.; Van den Bergh, I.; Van Den Houwe, I.; Roux, N.
- Document type : Conference paper
- Year of publication : 2018
- Conference : X International Symposium on Banana: ISHS-ProMusa Symposium on Agroecological Approaches to Promote Innovative Banana Production Systems - Montpellier, France, 10-14 October 2016
- Book title : Acta Horticulturae 1196
- Editors : Van den Bergh, I.; Risède, J.M.; Johnson, V.
- Publisher(s) : ISHS
- Place of publication : Leuven, Belgium
- Pages : 71-78
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Musa Genetic Resources (hereafter referred to as the 'Global Strategy') has been expanded in 2016 by Musa genetic resources and breeding experts within the framework of the Global Musa Genetic Resources Network, MusaNet. MusaNet's mandate is to oversee the further development and monitoring of the implementation of the Global Strategy. The updated Global Strategy aims to provide a clear framework and roadmap to be used by the Musa community for the efficient and effective conservation of the globally important collections of Musa and to strengthen the utilization of the genetic resources toward an increased use of available diversity. It includes recommendations and priorities indicated in several consultation processes following the 2006 Global Musa Strategy and particularly the expertise and key groups represented, including the Regional Research Networks (BAPNET, BARNESA, Innovate Plantain and MusaLAC) and global networks such as ProMusa. The Global Strategy covers numerous topics dealing with Musa genetic resources, with the 12 chapters divided into four main parts: Diversity, Identity, Management and Use. Each chapter contains the sections titled Where we are now, Where do we want to go and How will we get there. For Musa researchers, including taxonomists and breeders, but also end users such as farmers, decisions on the management of banana diversity are often made with limited information. With this in mind, the Global Strategy is a core reference on the taxonomy, characterization, evaluation and genetic improvement of cultivars, leading to actions such as the selection of new and improved cultivars. The use of a more diverse genepool can lead to higher production while at the same time promote ecosystem services such as resilience to pest and disease and the effects of climate change.
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- Musalit document ID : IN180208
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