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Anatomy of Leaf of Banana, Musa sapientum L. var. Hort. Gros Michel
- Authors : Skutch, A.F.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 1927
- Journal title : International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume (number) : 84 (4)
- Pages : 337-391
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 1058-5893
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : 1. The aerial shoot of the banana is leafy almost to the top of the pseudostem, and bears the largest leaves produced by the plant. 2. The phyllotaxy changes with the age of the plant, from under 2/5 to 4/9. 3. The lateral buds are not axillary, but arise opposite the axils. 4. The unrolling of the convolute leaf is accomplished only after the tearing away of a portion of the lamina. 5. Stomata occur on all the inclosed portions of the sheaths and stem. 6. The hypodermal layer of the outer surface of the sheath becomes first suberized, then lignified, as the sheath is pushed toward the exterior of the pseudostem. 7. The protoxylem elements of sheath, midrib, and principal veins are disrupted and their lumina occluded by parenchyma cells. 8. The lower surface of midrib and petiole is strengthened by two hypodermal strata of lignified cells. 9. A peculiar mode of anchoring the cuticle over the pulvinar bands is described. 10. Longitudinal furrows in the lamina are caused by pressure in the bud. 11. There is considerable variation in the density of stomata in different portions of the same surface of the lamina. 12. There is a marked increase in the number of veins near the margin over that near the midrib. 13. The efficiency of the commissural bundles in water transport was clearly demonstrated by experiment. 14. The wounds caused by the splitting of the lamina, and the dying off of the margin, are closed by the suberization of pre-existing cells. 15. The marginal bundles of the lamina become the most important vascular supply of the precursory appendage.
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- Open access : No
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- Musalit document ID : IN160109
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