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'Kiwangaazi' (syn 'KABANA 6H') Black Sigatoka Nematode and Banana Weevil Tolerant 'Matooke' Hybrid Banana Released in Uganda
- Authors : Nowakunda, K.; Barekye, A.; Ssali, R.T.; Namaganda, J.; Tushemereirwe, W.; Nabulya, G.; Erima, R.; Akankwasa, K.; Hilman, E.; Batte, M.; Karamura, D.A.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 2015
- Journal title : HortScience
- Volume (number) : 50 (4)
- Pages : 621-623
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 0018-5345, 2327-9834
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : This article presents the attributes of the first East African highland banana hybrid, ‘Kiwangaazi’ which was recently selected, released, and added to the national cultivar list in Uganda. The ‘matooke’ hybrid ‘Kiwangaazi’ was conventionally bred at Kawanda by crossing the tetraploid hybrid ‘1201k-1’ (‘Nakawere’AAA·‘Calcutta4’AA) with the improved diploid ‘SH3217’ AA. The main target was black Sigatoka resistance, a disease caused by the fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella fijiensis, ranked as the most important constraint to the production of the East African highland bananas, especially in the lowlands (covering most of central and eastern Uganda). ‘Kiwangaazi’, together with other hybrids was evaluated for black Sigatoka response, nematode and weevil damage, yield, and consumer acceptability. The cultivar was evaluated under the code ‘M9’, and released by the national variety release committee as ‘KABANA6H’. The name ‘Kiwangaazi’ was coined by farmers who participated in the on farm evaluation studies. In the local language (Luganda), ‘Kiwangaazi’ means ‘‘longlasting’’. Due to high pest and disease pressure, banana plantations can only last for 3-5 years, especially in central and eastern Uganda. However, due to its pests and disease tolerance, farmers observed that ‘M9’ plants remain vigorous after 5years, hence the name ‘Kiwangaazi’.
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN150205
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