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Triangle Banana Exploration Report, North Sulawesi and North Maluku, Indonesia. 6-24 October 2012
- Authors : Hermanto, C.; Sutanto, A.; HS, E.; Riska,; Alfons, ; Hosang, E.; Daniells, J.W.; Hilman, Y.
- Document type : Report
- Year of publication : 2014
- Publisher(s) : Bioversity International
- Place of publication : Montpellier, France
- Pages : 14
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : A collecting team comprising Edison HS and Fitriana Nasution (Indonesian tropical fruit crop taxonomists), Riska (Indonesian Plant Pathologist) and Jeff DanielIs (International banana taxonomy authority) explored the area within the triangle formed by Indonesia’s East Kalimantan – Maluku – Lesser Sunda Islands. This report is on the first collecting mission that took place in North Sulawesi and North Maluku from 7 to 22 October 2012 and during which they were accompanied by Regional MAT officers Erik Malia and Nofriarjasri.
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN140114
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