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The Wild and Cultivated Bananas of the Philippines
- Authors : Valmayor, R.V.; Espino, R.R.C.; Pascua, O.C.
- Document type : Book
- Year of publication : 2002
- Publisher(s) : PARRFI
- Place of publication : Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
- ISBN : 971-92540-1-7
- Pages : 242
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Ninety-one cultivars are classified following the three tier system: species, genome group and cultivar. More than half (45) are acuminata clones. The hybrids, Musa x paradisiaca follow in importance with 29 varieties while 14 pure balbisiana cultivars are recognized. One Musa fehi clone and two unidentified accessions complete the national banana variety collection list. Differentiation according to type or usage: dessert bananas are the most common with 47 cultivars. Cooking bananas with 34 clones are second in importance while 7 are classified as dual purpose, consumed either fresh or cooked. The lone Fe'i banana is cooking.
- Keywords :
- Open access : No
- Musalit document ID : IN140078
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