Comparative study on the field performance of FHIA-01 (hybrid dessert banana) propagated from tissue culture and conventional sucker in Ghana

  • Authors : Dzomeku, B.M.; Quain, M.D.; Bam, R.K.; Darkey, S.K.

  • Document type : Journal article

  • Year of publication : 2012

  • Journal title : Journal of Plant Development

  • Number : 19

  • Pages : 41-46

  • Peer-reviewed : No

  • ISSN : 2065-3158

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Micro-propagated plants of FHIA-01 (exotic hybrid dessert banana) were grown and their shoot-tip cultures were produced following standard method. Suckers were taken from the same plants as with the shoot-tip culture samples. The design was the randomly complete block. The plant density was 1667 plants/ha. Plants were fertilized at the rate of 40t/ha poultry manure per year split over 3 equal applications. Statistical analysis of data was performed with ANOVA. The field performance of in vitro propagated (tissue culture) tetraploid banana (FHIA-01) plants was compared with that of sucker-derived plants. In vitro-propagated plants established and grew faster, taller (240 cm) and bigger than the conventional sucker-derived plants. The former produced heavier bunches (39.1 t/ha) and could be harvested earlier. They however produced smaller number of fingers than the conventional sucker-derived plants. Significant differences were observed between the plant height and plant girth (48.6 cm) (at one metre above ground) at harvest. No significant difference was observed in bunch weight, number of hands, number of fingers and the number of leaves at harvest. The nutrient used in the Tissue culture medium may have played a significant role in the growth vigour of FHIA-01. It may also be having an influence on the performance of the hybrid. This influence may improve the yield of the crop thus improving the economy of farmers.


  • Open access : Yes

  • Document on publisher's site : open View article on publisher's site

  • Musalit document ID : IN130076

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