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Bananas, plantains and other species of Musaceae
- Chapter Authors : Lescot, T.; Staver, C.
- Document type : Book section
- Year of publication : 2010
- Book title : Quality declared planting material. Protocols and standards for vegetatively propagated crops
- Editors : Fajardo, J.; Lutaladio, N.; Larinde, M.; Rosell, C.; Barker, I.; Roca, W.; Chujoy, E.
- Collection : FAO plant production and protection paper 195
- ISBN : 978-92-5-106425-2
- Pages : 15-31
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Five methods are common for obtaining planting material for the establishment
of new plantings of banana and plantain. Each method has specific requirements
in terms of facilities and equipment, generates planting material at a characteristic
rate and has particular risks of pest and disease contamination. The methods
range from a few suckers extracted from backyard gardens, to small seedbeds
with a few hundred seedlings distributed at the local level, to a manufacturing
unit for producing several million in vitro plants per year. The five techniques are
described in this chapter.
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN120056
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