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Carotenoid content and flesh color of selected banana cultivars growing in Australia
- Authors : Englberger, L.; Wills, R.B.H.; Blades, B.; Dufficy, L.; Daniells, J.W.; Coyne, T.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 2006
- Journal title : Food and Nutrition Bulletin
- Volume (number) : 27 (4)
- Pages : 281-291(11)
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 0379-5721
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The problems of vitamin A deficiency and chronic diseases have emerged in recent years in some countries in the Micronesian region. These problems are associated with the dietary shift towards imported processed foods and lifestyle changes. Research in the Federated States of Micronesia indicates that yellow- and orange-fleshed banana cultivars contain significant levels of provitamin A carotenoids. To identify further banana cultivars that may be promoted to alleviate vitamin A deficiency among children and women and chronic disease problems among adults. Ripe fruit of banana cultivars growing in Australia (sourced mostly from a field research collection) were assessed for carotenoid content and flesh color...
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN120007
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