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Carotenoid and riboflavin content of banana cultivars from Makira, Solomon Islands
- Authors : Englberger, L.; Lyons, G.; Foley, W.; Daniells, J.W.; Aalbersberg, B.; Dolodolotawake, U.; Watoto, C.; Iramu, E.; Taki, B.; Wehi, F.; Warito, P.; Taylor, M.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 2010
- Journal title : Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
- Number : (6)
- Pages : 624-632
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 0889-1575
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The Solomon Islands face problems of vitamin A deficiency and infectious diseases, including malaria. It is essential to identify nutrient-rich indigenous foods for preventing and alleviating these diseases. Previous work in Micronesia identified yellow/orange-fleshed carotenoid-rich banana cultivars, in particular Fe’i cultivars (characterized by upright bunches), with potential to alleviate vitamin A deficiency. Although there is a great diversity of Solomon Islands bananas, little is documented about these cultivars and their nutrient content. Using an ethnographic approach, this study aimed to identify nutrient-rich cultivars and to collect information relating to production and consumption. Seven Fe’i cultivars (not previously analyzed) and three non-Fe’i cultivars were assessed for flesh color, fruit size and other attributes and analyzed for provitamin A carotenoids (β- and α-carotene), total carotenoids and riboflavin. Five Fe’i and two non-Fe’i cultivars were identified as carotenoid-rich. Of 10 cultivars analyzed the concentrations of β-carotene equivalents ranged from 45 to 7124 μg/100 g. Compared to cultivars with light-colored flesh, the yellow/orange-fleshed cultivars generally contained higher carotenoid concentrations. All Fe’i cultivars contained riboflavin, from 0.10 to 2.72 mg/100 g, some having substantial concentrations. The nutrient-rich cultivars, including Fe’i, should be promoted for their potential to contribute to vitamin A intake and overall health.
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- Open access : No
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- Musalit document ID : IN100246
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