Let's go local initiative in Pohnpei, Micronesia for promoting underutilized crops

  • Chapter Authors : Englberger, L.; Lorens, A.

  • Document type : Conference paper

  • Year of publication : 2009

  • Conference : International Symposium on Underutilized Plants for Food Security, Nutrition, Income and Sustainable Development, Arusha (TZA), 2008/03/03-06

  • Book title : Acta Horticulturae 806

  • Editors : Jaenicke, H.; Ganry, J.; Hoeschle-Zeledon, I.; Kahane, R.

  • Publisher(s) : ISHS

  • Place of publication : Leuven, Belgium

  • Pages : 229-234

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia, located in the Northern Pacific Ocean, has a great diversity of plants, including 48 giant swamp taros, 55 bananas, 133 breadfruits, and 171 yam cultivars among the staple food crops. However, since the 1970s, traditional food crops have been neglected with the shift to imported processed foods. Although nutritional status was previously good, dietary and lifestyle changes have led to serious nutrition-related health problems. Over half of the preschool children suffer from vitamin A deficiency, adults are commonly obese, and approximately 20.


  • Open access : No

  • Document on publisher's site : close View article on publisher's site

  • Musalit document ID : IN090752

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