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Genetic improvement of banana
- Chapter Authors : Bakry, F.; Carreel, F.; Jenny, C.; Horry, J.P.
- Document type : Book section
- Year of publication : 2009
- Book title : Breeding plantation tree crops: tropical species
- Editors : Jain, S.M.; Priyadarshan, P.M.
- Publisher(s) : Springer
- Place of publication : New York, USA
- ISBN : 978-0-387-71199-7978-0-387-71201-7
- Pages : 3-50
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Chemical control measures used in intensive cultivation are not available to small banana farmers in developing countries. Furthermore, for some diseases, there is no effective chemical control. Genetic improvement bas thus been focused mainly on obtaining varieties resistant to principal pests and diseases. Breeding bananas through hybridisation, which began in the 1920s, is currently being pursued at seven research centres. FHIA in Honduras is breeding banana for expert as well as the 'cooking' types (Rowe 1984). EMBRAPA-CNPMF in Brazil (Dantas et al. 1993), NRCB and TNAU in India (Sathiamoorthy et al. 2000; Krishnamoorthy and Kumar 2004) aim at breeding local types of dessert and cooking bananas. CARBAP (Jenny et al. 2003) in Cameroon and IITA (Tenkouano and Swennen 2004) in Nigeria are conducting research on plantain and banana breeding in Africa. These six research centres are mainly interested in developing new tetraploid varieties by crossing triploid varieties and wild or improved diploid clones with resistance to diseases. Some secondary triploids derived from crosses between these new tetraploid varieties and other diploid clones were also obtained. In the French West Indies, CIRAD has conceived another crossing strategy aimed to the development of triploid varieties directly from diploid plain material (Bakry et al. 2001). Since the 1980s, apart from these conventional breeding approaches, other groups have focused on mutagenesis as at IAEA (Roux 2004) in Austria or on the selection of somaclonal variants as at TBRI (Hwang and Ko 1990) in Taiwan. These technologies appeared because of the development of in vitro culture techniques designed for rapid industrial multiplication of micro-propagated banana plants. (Author's abstract).
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- Musalit document ID : IN090254
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