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Identification and characterization guide for FHIA banana and plantain hybrids
- Authors : Alvarez, J.M.; Rosales, F.E.
- Document type : Book
- Year of publication : 2008
- Editors : Rosales, F.E.
- Publisher(s) : Bioversity International
- Place of publication : Montpellier, France
- ISBN : 978-2-910810-80-1
- Pages : 15
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The present guide is mainly directed to personnel in charge of introducing, evaluating and disseminating banana and plantain hybrids from the Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA), in their respective countries. The objective of this document is to provide a tool that will allow the field identification of all hybrids released by FHIA in a simple and precise manner. It is written in a concise and easy-to-use way, illustrated with photographs of the most distinctive characteristics, or descriptors, of these otherwise very similar hybrids.
- Keywords :
- Open access : Yes
- PDF :
- Musalit document ID : IN080530_eng
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