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Classification of the bananas. I. The genus Ensete Horan
- Authors : Cheesman, E.E.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 1947
- Journal title : Kew Bulletin
- Volume (number) : 2 (2)
- Pages : 97-106
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 0075-5974; 1874-933X
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : A plant of Abyssinia, described and figured by the traveller Bruce under its native name Ensete, was referred to the Linnean genus Musa by Gmelin in the 13th edition of Systema Naturae (1791). Gmelin used the word "Ensete" as the specific name. Relationship with Musa: Speculations about phylogeny are always tempting but not invariably profitable. In Musaceae the established facts scarcely justify even cautions theory, but a few remarks are offered as a provocation to further enquiry and discussion. It would be unsafe to regard Musa as "derived from" Ensete, and almost impossible to imagine the reverse; yet the two genera (as indicated by their long accepted association in one) are sufficiently close to allow us to postulate a common ancestral stock at no very remote geological time. Of the two, Ensete is probably remaining more of the primitive characters of that stock than Musa.
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- Open access : No
- Document on publisher's site : View article on publisher's site
- Musalit document ID : IN080371
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