Field evaluation of tissue-cultured bananas in south-eastern Queensland

  • Authors : Drew, R.; Smith, M.K.

  • Document type : Journal article

  • Year of publication : 1990

  • Journal title : Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture

  • Number : (30)

  • Pages : 569-574

  • Peer-reviewed : Yes

  • ISSN : 1836-0939; 1836-5787

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Field performance is described for tissue-cultured plants and conventional propagules of planting material of banana cultivar 'New Guinea Cavendish' (Musa sp., AAA group, Cavendish subgroup). Tissue-cultured plants were produced by either regeneration of plants from callus culture or by micropropagation of plants following the release of dormant buds at the leaf axils of explants. The conventional material consisted of suckers and 'bits' (lateral buds and associated corm material). Tissue-cultured plants established more quickly, were taller, and had a shorter time to bunch emergence and harvest of plant crop than conventional planting material. They had significantly (P 0.05) higher yields in terms of bunch weight, which was a function of greater numbers of fingers and hands. These advantages did not extend to the ratoon crop. Sucker production on tissue-cultured plants was significantly (P,0.01) higher up to 8 months after planting, equal to conventional material from 8 months to harvest, and then significantly lower. Twenty-two per cent of the plants derived from callus were off-types compared with 3 per cent in the line produced by axillary bud proliferation. No off-types were observed in conventional planting material. (Authors'abstract).

    [Description des performances sur le terrain de plants issus de culture de tissu, et du materiel de multiplication classique du cultivar New Guinea Cavendish(Musa spp AAA, sous groupe Cavendish). Les plantes issues de culture de tissu avient ete obtenues soit par regeneration de plants provenant d'une culture de cals, soit par la micropropagation de plants suivant la levee des bourgons axillaires dormants des explants. Le materiel classique consistait en rejets et "bits" (bourgeons lateraux et souche associee). Les plantes issues de culture de tissu, s'etablirent plus vite, etaient plus grandes, et l'apparition du regime ainsi que la recolte des fruits furent plus precoce que sur le materiel de plantation classique. Leur rendement etait significativement plus eleve en terme de poids du regime (plus grand nombre de doigts et de mains). Ces avantages ne se sont pas etendus au cycle de culture. La production de rejets des plants issus de culture de tissu etait significativement plus importante pendant les 8 mois suivant la plantation, elle etait identique a celle du materiel traditionnel de ces 8 mois jusqu'a la recolte, puis significativement inferieure. 22 pourcent des plantes provenant des cals etaient des hors types contre 3 pourcent pour la lignee obtenue par la proliferation des bourgeons axillaires. Aucun hors type n'a ete observe parmi le materiel de plantation classique. (Resume des auteurs).]


  • Open access : No

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  • Musalit document ID : IN900042

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