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Global conservation strategy for Musa (banana and plantain)
- Authors : Lusty, C.
- Document type : Report
- Year of publication : 2006
- Publisher(s) : INIBAP
- Place of publication : Montpellier, France
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The proposed Global Conservation Strategy for Musa aims to build upon existing strengths in the global collection at the ITC, several 'internationally-recognised' collections and national collections and the existing culture of collaboration to rationalize the global effort to conserve the Musa gene pool and promote the safe use and distribution of a wide range of diversity. The ultimate aims are to increase and expand the use of genetic diversity from high-technology research to use in farmers’ fields. The following four major outputs are proposed:
• genetic diversity is comprehensively characterized and documented, taxonomy is harmonised, and collections are rationalized;
• the global system for the safe exchange of germplasm is strengthened;
• the entire gene pool is conserved in perpetuity;
• the use of genetic diversity is maximized.
- Keywords :
- Open access : Yes
- PDF :
- Musalit document ID : IN060609
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