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Fusarium Wilt of banana - an integrated approach to disease management
- Authors : Daniells, J.W.
- Document type : Book section
- Year of publication : 2010
- Book title : Bananas, plantains and enset II
- Editors : Tripathi, L.
- Publisher(s) : Global Science Books
- Place of publication : London (GBR)
- ISBN : 978-4-903313-62-7
- Pages : 50-55
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : “The only satisfactory long-term answer is the growing of resistant varieties” is often touted as the solution to Fusarium wilt. Unfortunately such a mind-set can lead to insufficient emphasis on biosecurity and other aspects of a holistic approach to disease management. Often farmers and scientists are living in false hope of what resistant varieties might offer them in the future. There are still many regions of the banana growing world that are free of Fusarium wilt as well as many locations that are free within those regions that are affected. More stringent quarantine, awareness programs and clean planting material schemes are needed urgently, particularly in parts of Asia and Oceania to prevent and/or minimize further spread of the pathogen. Studies have been underway for sometime now on the use of antagonistic microorganisms but greater understanding is needed of the optimum soil environmental conditions necessary for rapidly proliferating and maintaining their numbers in the field. The idea that these microbes need to be specially fed is often not well appreciated. Further studies are also necessary of the impact of GA on resistance and of natural plant resistance activators. There is also a need to clarify issues of disease resistance and tolerance from an horticultural point-of-view. Disease screening trials in north Queensland have indicated that moderately susceptible varieties such as Lady Finger (AAB, Pome) may be commercially productive in infested soils provided appropriate crop management measures are in place. More extensive screening of hybrids from breeding programs is required to enhance both the identification and utilization of hybrids with resistance to Fusarium.
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN110136
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